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For Knee Joint REFOVI

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Product NameREFOVI (REFOM)

IngredientsPolynucleotide Sodium (PN)

UseReducing mechanical friction in joints by physically restoring them via injection.

  • Packaging

    2mL Prefilled Syringe
    * 1 Syringe per Box

  • Storage

    Room temperature (1~30°C),
    Shield from light

  • Shelf Life

    24 months from production

“This is a ‘medical device’. Read the ‘precautions’ and ‘instructions’ before use.”

Learn about REFOVI’s unique features!

  • Injection Material for PN Joint Lubrication

    Polynucleotide sodium, a high-molecular compound for tissue restoration.

  • Reducing Knee Joint Friction

    REFOVI, when injected into an aching knee,
    maintains its physical form to reduce friction in cartilage.

  • Manufacturing Technique Patent Registered
    Exported to Europe and the Middle East

Questions about REFOVI?
We’ve got answers!

  • Q What’s REFOVI?

    A tissue restoration compound with high-molecular Polynucleotide sodium.

  • Q REFOVI’s meaning?

    REFOVI means “to warm again” in Latin.

Direct link to Q&A

Explore KOLON Pharma’s products!


For Knee Joints REFOVI

Injection Material for PN Joint Lubrication

Knee Joint Friction Reduction

EasyDew MD

Medical Device with Ceramide

Forms a protective layer on damaged skin for moisture retention

Contains ingredients like ceramide and linoleic acid

pH level between 5.0~6.0 (slightly acidic)

Non-sticky, easily absorbed

Available as cream and lotion

*Transparent Adhesive Wound Dressing : For protecting areas where skin is damaged like burns or dry spots

A unique treatment for oral conditions.

Gargle to treat, no need for ointments or lipids

  • Convenient gargle form with powerful pain-relief and anti-inflammatory (Diclofenac)

    Patented DDS method for quick action

    Pouch packaging for easy carry

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to Constipation

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